UK Neural Computation 2025

UKNC25 is taking place 9-11 July 2025 at Imperial College London: a national meeting for the UK community working on the computations of the brain, be it experiment, modelling, maths, machine-learning, and all combinations thereof. From the single synapse and single neuron, through ensembles, networks, and circuits, up to the large-scale functional networks in the human brain.

Key information

Confirmed speakers

We will also host a sandpit event for ARIA’s Scalable Neural Interfaces program, for the UKNC community to develop new collaborations and grant ideas for future ARIA funding opportunities.


Danyal Akarca (Imperial College), Dan Goodman (Imperial College), Mark Humphries (University of Nottingham)


We thank our sponsors for their generous support of the meeting

ARIA logo Francis Crick institute logo

Prior meetings